What’s your Why

Part A: Why, How, and What of Organizational Change

Why: To create an engaging and personalized learning experience for elementary students.

How: By establishing interactive learning groups that leverage the Station Rotation Blended Learning Model, customizing education to individual needs through technology-driven activities, and shifting the teacher’s role to that of a facilitator and mentor.

What: To cultivate lifelong learners who excel academically, thrive as independent thinkers and collaborators, and possess essential social skills for effective communication and teamwork.

Part B: Speaking to Hearts

In our pursuit of creating an engaging and personalized learning experience for elementary students, we recognize the urgent need for change in traditional teaching methods. Traditional methods often struggle to capture the attention and enthusiasm of our young learners. The urgency lies in realizing that by not embracing a more dynamic and personalized approach now, we risk hindering the academic and personal growth of our students.

Our vision, as outlined in the “What” statement, is a powerful motivator. It paints a picture of lifelong learners who not only excel academically but also thrive as independent thinkers and collaborators with essential social skills. This vision serves as a call to action, igniting the passion of stakeholders who crave for an educational environment that goes beyond conventional norms. Lowering complacency involves illustrating the risks of maintaining the status quo and emphasizing the missed opportunities for our students if we hesitate in embracing this transformative change.

In essence, our call to action is rooted in the heart, leveraging the urgency of the present to propel us towards a future where our students not only succeed academically but also become empowered, collaborative, and socially adept individuals.


Start with why — how great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek | TEDxPugetSound. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2017 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4ZoJKF_VuA

Kotter, J. (n.d.). John Kotter – The heart of change. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NKti9MyAAw

Kotter, J. (n.d.). Leading change: Establish a sense of urgency. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Yfrj2Y9IlI

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