What is an ePortfolio?

An ePortfolio is a digital space that holds evidence of your educational and/or professional achievements, as well as reflective writing about your experiences. You can use an ePortfolio to showcase your learning in a course or work placement, and it can also be used as employment documentation during job searches or promotion procedures. An ePortfolio can help you to demonstrate your skills, competencies, and values to potential employers, clients, or collaborators. It can also help you to create a positive digital identity and presence online.

An ePortfolio is more than just a collection of products. It is also a process of generating new or deeper learning by reflecting on your existing learning. Reflection is a key component of an ePortfolio, as it helps you to examine and understand your strengths, challenges, goals, and growth as a learner and as an individual. By reflecting on your work, you can make connections among different courses, assignments, and other activities, such as work experience, extracurricular pursuits, volunteering opportunities, and more. Reflection also helps you to articulate what you have learned and how you have learned it, which can enhance your metacognitive and critical thinking skills.

An ePortfolio is a powerful tool for learning and self-expression, as it allows you to construct your own knowledge and showcase it to others. You have the ownership and control over your ePortfolio, which means you can decide what to include, how to design it, and who to share it with. You can also update and maintain your ePortfolio dynamically over time, as you continue to learn and achieve new things. An ePortfolio can serve as a personal learning environment that supports your lifelong learning journey. It can also be a source of motivation and inspiration for yourself and others who view it.


Harapnuik, D. (2023, September). ePortfolio. It’s About Learning. https://www.harapnuik.org/?page_id=5973

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