Usability & Reflection

The usability testing of my math hybrid course was a valuable endeavor that provided crucial insights into the effectiveness of the course design and the learning experience for students.

Firstly, I carefully selected a diverse group of stakeholders, including Math Teachers, a Bilingual RLA Teacher, a Math Coach, and a Bilingual RLA Coach, to participate in the usability testing. While I was able to gather feedback from 5 out of 6 participants, I recognize the importance of ensuring representation from various perspectives in future testing sessions. To improve this in the future, I will aim to engage a broader range of stakeholders, including students themselves, to gather more comprehensive feedback and insights.

The platform I utilized for collecting feedback, Microsoft Forms, facilitated the collection of data in an organized and efficient manner. Canvas, the Learning Management System (LMS) used to structure the course, was instrumental in facilitating the testing process and influencing the results. Its intuitive interface allowed participants to navigate through the course materials easily and provide feedback effectively. The platform’s accessibility and user-friendly features contributed to the success of the usability testing. Moving forward, I will continue to leverage Canvas’s capabilities to streamline the testing process and gather comprehensive feedback from stakeholders.

From the feedback gathered during the usability testing, I learned valuable lessons about the strengths and weaknesses of the course design. Clear communication of learning objectives and logical organization of modules were identified as strengths, while areas for improvement included navigation issues within Canvas and the need for more detailed instructions for online activities.

To address the usability issues revealed in the testing, I will make several adjustments to the course design in the future. This includes streamlining the layout of modules within Canvas for improved navigation, as well as incorporating explanatory videos and tutorials to enhance comprehension and engagement. These enhancements aim to create a more user-friendly and accessible learning experience for all participants.

Furthermore, the testing process has highlighted the importance of alignment between learning outcomes, activities, and assessments. Going forward, I will continue to prioritize this alignment to ensure that the course effectively supports student learning and achievement.

Lastly, addressing infrastructure, system, and support needs and issues that learners may face is crucial for optimizing the learning experience. Moving forward, I will proactively address these needs by providing additional resources, support channels, and technical assistance to ensure a seamless learning experience for all participants.

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