Peer Assessment




Critical ThinkingEvaluates the ability to think critically.10
Comprehensive ApproachMeasures the extent to which all aspects are addressed thoroughly.10
Presentation SkillsAssesses clarity, organization, and effectiveness of presentation.10
Knowledge of ContentAssesses understanding and application of content.20

Critical Thinking: This criterion assesses an individual’s capacity to think critically by evaluating their ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information. It seeks to measure the depth of thought processes, problem-solving skills, and the ability to make reasoned and informed decisions based on evidence and logical reasoning.

Comprehensive Approach: The comprehensive approach criterion focuses on the thoroughness with which all aspects of a task or project are addressed. It considers how well an individual can take a holistic view, ensuring that no critical elements are neglected. A high score in this aspect indicates the ability to consider various perspectives and facets, leading to a more comprehensive and well-rounded outcome.

Presentation Skills: This criterion assesses an individual’s proficiency in presenting information. It encompasses the clarity of communication, the organization of ideas, and the overall effectiveness of the presentation. Strong presentation skills involve engaging the audience, maintaining a coherent structure, and delivering information in a way that is clear, compelling, and easily understood.

Knowledge of Content: This aspect of assessment centers on the individual’s understanding and application of the relevant content. It evaluates not only the grasp of factual information but also the ability to comprehend, interpret, and use that knowledge in a meaningful context. A high score in this criterion indicates a strong foundation in the subject matter and the capability to apply it effectively.


Maria Santiago Rivera:

Publication Rough Draft- Rubric DetailsPoints
Critical Thinking10
Comprehensive Approach10
Presentation Skills9
Knowledge of Content19
TOTAL :48 / 50

Luz Uribe:

Publication Rough Draft- Rubric DetailsPoints
Critical Thinking10
Comprehensive Approach10
Presentation Skills9
Knowledge of Content19
TOTAL :48 / 50

Ileana Cabrera: 

Publication Rough Draft- Rubric DetailsPoints
Critical Thinking10
Comprehensive Approach10
Presentation Skills9
Knowledge of Content19
TOTAL :48  / 50


Engaging in the peer assessment process for the rough draft of my article has been a valuable and enlightening experience. The critical feedback and feedforward provided by my peers has offered me fresh perspectives and constructive insights that I might have overlooked during the writing process. The varied viewpoints shared by my peers have allowed me to consider alternative approaches, enhancing the overall depth and quality of my rough draft. This collaborative evaluation has not only strengthened the content but has also prompted me to reconsider certain aspects of my writing, contributing to a more comprehensive and polished rough draft. The peer assessment has proven to be an essential step in refining my work, and I appreciate the collective effort in striving for excellence.

Collaborative Team

María Santiago



Luz Uribe



Illeana Cabrera



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