The six sources of influence strategy outlined in this post is intricately connected to the overarching goal of my innovation plan “Interactive Learning Pods: A Dynamic Blended Learning Solution“. This innovation plan seeks to revolutionize traditional teaching methods by introducing Interactive Learning Pods, blending personalized learning, collaboration, and technology-driven activities. To ensure the successful implementation and widespread adoption of this transformative initiative, the six sources of influence matrix strategically addresses the key behaviors and influencers necessary for its success. By focusing on personal motivation, ability, social motivation, ability, structural motivation, and ability, this comprehensive strategy aims to create a conducive environment that motivates and equips teachers, administrators, and other influencers to embrace and champion the Interactive Learning Pods approach, ultimately leading to an enriched and engaging learning experience for the students.
* Click on image to enlarge.

Greeny, J., Patterson, K., Maxfield, D., McMillan, R., & A. (2013). Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.