
Instructional Design Approach

First, let’s discuss the Instructional Design Approach for this course. This course follows a blended learning model, combining face-to-face instruction with online learning components. This approach allows for flexibility and accommodates diverse learning preferences and needs.

Student-Centered Learning

This Math Hybrid course is student-centered, meaning that the learner is at the center of the learning experience. As a facilitator and mentor, the teacher will empower students to take ownership of their learning journey, explore concepts deeply, and develop essential skills for success.

Instructor’s Role

As instructor, the teacher role extends beyond being a mere presenter. I will act as a facilitator, guiding discussions, providing feedback, and fostering collaboration among learners. My goal is to create a supportive learning community where every voice is valued and respected.

Blended Learning Environment

This math hybrid course is a blend of face-to-face instruction and online components, with approximately 60% of the course being face-to-face and 40% online. This blended approach allows for both synchronous and asynchronous collaboration, catering to different learning preferences and needs.

Building a Learning Community

To build a strong learning community, we’ll start by introducing ourselves and getting to know each other. Through collaborative activities, discussions, and peer interactions, we’ll foster a supportive environment where everyone feels encouraged to participate and share their ideas.

Addressing Learner Needs

Throughout the course, we’ll be mindful of addressing infrastructure, system, and support needs that learners may encounter. Whether it’s providing assistance with translation or offering additional support resources, we’re committed to ensuring that every learner has the tools they need to succeed.

Course Structure Overview

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