COVA Reflection & Application

When I first started the ADL program, I was just beginning my second year in a teaching position. Everything in this field was new to me, and this year has been an incredible and unforgettable journey. I was able to learn so much while simultaneously applying those concepts. The ADL program has given me significant insight into how to learn myself and how to help people learn. I have not only created an Innovation Plan but also acquired the tools to implement that plan properly.

I realized that I had genuine choice, ownership, and voice through authentic assignments when I started developing my Innovation Plan. Initially, the freedom and responsibility to take ownership of my learning through an authentic project were daunting. I was unsure if I was ready, but I embraced the challenge by diving into the process, continually reflecting on my progress, and seeking feedback from peers and mentors.

Throughout this year, I confirmed how important it is to interact with peers and receive and provide feedback. Being part of an amazing group has made this journey even more meaningful. My colleagues have become part of my family here in the U.S., and we have shared many hard times, laughter, and fun. My main group includes these incredible colleagues:

Collaborative Team

María Santiago



Luz Uribe



Illeana Cabrera



Adjusting to this style of learning required me to adopt a growth mindset, a concept I deeply believe in and foster in my students. Carol Dweck’s “power of the yet” message has been instrumental in my classroom, and seeing my students embrace this mindset has been incredibly rewarding. Personally, I adapted by setting clear goals, staying organized, and being open to experimenting with new ideas and strategies.

Taking control of my own voice and focusing on my organization as the audience was initially challenging. However, by aligning my projects with the needs and goals of my school, I found a sense of purpose and motivation. Throughout the ADL program, my attitude toward leading change has evolved from apprehension to enthusiasm. I now see myself as an agent of change, equipped with the knowledge and confidence to make a positive impact.

My innovation plan, “Interactive Learning Pods: A Dynamic Blended Learning Solution“, is authentic and driven by a genuine desire to enhance the educational experience in my organization. I am committed to this initiative because I believe it can truly transform our learning environment by fostering student engagement and personalized learning.

The COVA (Choice, Ownership, Voice, and Authenticity) approach and Creating Significant Learning Environments (CSLE) align perfectly with my learning philosophy. I envision classrooms as dynamic centers of inquiry and interaction, where every challenge is an opportunity for growth. This philosophy guides me to design lessons that ignite curiosity and encourage students to become thinkers, innovators, and lifelong learners.

My perspective on learning has evolved significantly. I now see education not just as meeting benchmarks but as fostering a persistent spirit of inquiry and discovery. I am dedicated to using the COVA approach to create significant learning environments in my organization. This means giving my learners choice, ownership, and voice through authentic assignments that are meaningful and relevant to them.

To prepare my learners and colleagues for the COVA approach and CSLE, I will provide training and resources that emphasize the benefits of these methods. I will share my experiences and successes, demonstrate the impact on student engagement and learning, and offer continuous support as they transition to this approach.

Challenges in using the COVA approach and CSLE may include resistance to change, a lack of understanding of these methods, and the need for ongoing professional development. However, I am confident that by fostering a collaborative and supportive culture, we can overcome these challenges and create a thriving learning environment.

One of the most exciting aspects of my journey has been creating an online course for the first time. I absolutely loved how I was able to not only create my own Math Hybrid Course but also utilize different tools to test its usability. This experience has been incredibly fulfilling, as it allowed me to apply the theories and strategies I learned in the ADL program in a practical and impactful way. Seeing the course come to life and knowing it could benefit my students was a rewarding experience that I plan to continue developing and refining.

Additionally, I was able to generate a draft of an article about the “Impact of the Blended Learning Station Rotation Model on Student Engagement“, which I will be revising and upgrading. This article will serve as a valuable resource in my ePortfolio for stakeholders to better understand this teaching practice. By sharing this research, I aim to provide evidence of the benefits of blended learning and encourage its adoption to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.

Throughout this journey, my learning manifesto has been a constant guide, helping me navigate the complexities of education and stay true to my core beliefs. I have also enjoyed developing my ePortfolio, ensuring it is a professional and valuable resource for others. This last year has been a period of significant growth and learning, and I am excited to continue this journey of adapting, innovating, and most importantly, learning.

By embracing the COVA approach, I aim to create an educational experience that empowers students and colleagues to excel, fostering a lifelong passion for learning and discovery.

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