Contribution to My Learning and the Learning Community (5303 & 5313)

In the domain of self-directed learning, a crucial aspect is the ability to self-assess. This concept, as emphasized in Fink’s “Creating Significant Learning Experiences” (2013), underlines the importance of evaluating one’s contributions to personal learning and to the learning community. As I reflect on my journey through the courses “5303 Applying Educational Technology Portfolio” and “5313 Creating Significant Learning Environments” I assign myself a score of 95 out of 100 for each course, based on the criteria provided. This post delves into the rationale behind this score, highlighting my contributions, areas of strength, and avenues for improvement.


What Worked Well
1. Leadership in Collaborative Learning: My role in the base group was pivotal. I took on leadership responsibilities, ensuring effective collaboration and supporting my colleagues in their learning endeavors. My active participation in all activities fostered a constructive and inclusive learning environment.

2. Comprehensive Engagement with Course Materials: I diligently completed all readings, videos, and resources, which enriched my understanding and allowed me to contribute meaningfully to discussions.

3. Adherence to Deadlines: Meeting various course activity deadlines was a priority, which helped in maintaining the momentum of learning and contributing effectively to group discussions.

4. Quality of Contributions: My postings and feedback were timely, well-researched, and demonstrated depth in thinking. They were supplemented with APA-cited research, contributing to a rich learning dialogue within the group.

Areas for Improvement
While my contributions were significant, there is always room for growth. For instance, I aim to enhance the frequency and quality of my additional postings, which, although not research-based, are vital for ongoing learning and community engagement.

Accelerated ADL Reflection
The interconnectedness of “5303 Applying Educational Technology Portfolio” and “5313 Creating Significant Learning Environments” provided a unique learning experience. The integration of these courses allowed for a richer understanding of how technology can be leveraged to create significant learning environments. My collaboration in these courses went beyond mere participation; it involved synthesizing ideas from both domains to create a comprehensive understanding of how technology can enhance learning environments.

Supporting Contributions

Impact on Learning Community
1. Active Forum Participation: My involvement in course forums was consistent and constructive, offering insights and feedback that fostered collective learning.

2. Thoughtful and Timely Postings: My postings were not only timely but also reflected a thorough understanding of the topics, thus encouraging thoughtful discussions within the community.

3. Contribution Beyond Requirements: I endeavored to contribute beyond the mandatory postings, sharing insights and ideas that added value to our collective learning experience.

Conclusion and Future Goals
Reflecting on my learning journey, I believe the score of 95/100 is justified, considering my proactive engagement, leadership, and consistent contribution to both my learning and the learning of others. However, I recognize the need for continuous improvement. My future goals include enhancing the frequency of my contributions and exploring more innovative ways to integrate technology in learning environments.

As I move forward, I aim to maintain this level of commitment and curiosity, continuously seeking ways to enrich not only my learning experience but also that of my peers.

Collaborative Team

Luz Uribe



Illeana Cabrera



Monica Osio



María Santiago



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