About me

Lifelong learner

Hello, I’m William Tavares, originally from Venezuela, where my journey began. Back in 2006, I proudly earned my degree in civil engineering, marking the start of my decade-long career in the field. I had the privilege of working in construction, first in Venezuela and later in Spain, wearing the hat of a Project Estimator. Then, I transitioned to the petroleum and gas industry, taking on significant projects in Venezuela and Nicaragua.

In 2015, a pivotal moment arrived when I was entrusted with a crucial project in Nicaragua. It was there that I realized the importance of mastering English at an advanced level to excel in my field. In pursuit of this goal, I embarked on a life-changing journey, relocating to Chicago in 2016 as an English as a Second Language student. The challenges were many, but so were the rewards.

In 2022, I stumbled upon a golden opportunity that resonated deeply with me – becoming a Bilingual Teacher at an elementary school. This role allowed me to combine my passion for helping others with my innate desire to teach. While most folks might shudder at the thought of their first year in teaching, mine was a whirlwind of excitement and challenges. It was an extraordinary experience that has left an indelible mark on my heart.

Driven by a burning desire to enhance my students’ education, I embarked on a new journey in the fall of 2023 by enrolling in the Master of Education in Applied Digital Learning program. It has been a path filled with obstacles, but I’m savoring every moment of growth and discovery.

I’ve always had a deep passion for learning, and my time in the ADL Master’s program has been a game-changer. I used to see education as a one-size-fits-all kind of thing, but this program has shifted my perspective big time. It’s like a light bulb went off in my head. Now, I’m all about giving students more say in their learning journey – choice, ownership, and voice, that’s the key! I’ve learned that education isn’t just about memorizing facts; it’s about creating meaningful and authentic learning experiences. It’s like making learning come alive! I’ve also come to understand the importance of crafting environments where students feel engaged and excited about learning. So, my vision for education has transformed, and I’m excited to keep exploring and creating these significant learning environments for my students. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it because it’s all about helping our students become enthusiastic, lifelong learners!

My aim for the coming year is to soak up as much knowledge as possible during my Master’s program and subsequently obtain my certification as a Bilingual Teacher. I’m thrilled about the bright future ahead, brimming with opportunities to make a positive impact on the lives of my students. This path hasn’t been a walk in the park, but I am confident that, in the end, it will be worth every challenge I’ve faced.

Collaborative Team

Luz Uribe



Illeana Cabrera



Monica Osio



María Santiago



(Coming soon…)

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