Synthesis of Digital Leaning and Leadership

Coming soon…

COVA Reflection & Application

In this post, I reflect on my journey in the ADL program during my second year of teaching, highlighting the development and implementation of my “Interactive Learning Pods” Innovation Plan. I discuss embracing choice, ownership, and voice through authentic assignments, the importance of feedback and collaboration with colleagues, and fostering a growth mindset in students. I also share my experiences creating an online Math Hybrid Course and drafting an article on blended learning, all aligned with my learning philosophy and the COVA approach.

Innovation Project Update

Here, I share how my journey through the ADL program has been transformative, leading to the creation of my “Interactive Learning Pods” Innovation Plan. This initiative leverages the Station Rotation Blended Learning Model to foster personalized, student-centered learning. Key achievements include developing a growth mindset, refining teaching strategies, and building a professional ePortfolio. Currently in the pilot phase, I am gathering feedback and making adjustments, with plans to promote the project through my ePortfolio, school meetings, and professional development sessions. This experience has highlighted the importance of strong initial assessments and early stakeholder engagement for future success.

Applied Digital Learning Journey Synthesis

Coming soon…

Coming Soon…

Coming soon…

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