
This ePortfolio course has been a transformative journey, enabling me to curate and showcase my work effectively. Through the creation of this ePortfolio, I have not only compiled my accomplishments but also reflected deeply on my personal and professional growth. The process has been instrumental in helping me develop a unique voice, presenting my skills and experiences in a coherent and engaging manner. This ePortfolio stands as a testament to my learning journey, demonstrating my ability to evolve and adapt in an ever-changing world.

Evolution of My ePortfolio

I embarked on this ePortfolio journey with a vision in mind, and today, I’m excited to share the journey of transformation it has undergone. Over time, I’ve evolved my ePortfolio to reflect my educational experiences, personal growth, and passion for lifelong learning. Here, you can join me on this ride as I walk you through the remarkable changes I’ve made

Growth Mindset Plan Reflection

In this section, you can explore how reflecting on my journey with the “Growth Mindset Odyssey” has helped me make significant strides in cultivating a growth mindset both in my teaching career and in my ADL Master Program studies

Engagement in my learning communities

As I reflect on my journey through the Master’s of Education in Applied Digital Learning (ADL), the significance of collaboration and support within my ADL team is crystal clear. This post is a tribute to the collective effort and the spirit of learning that has been pivotal in my success.

Learning Manifesto Reflection

Here, you can review how having a learning manifesto has been helpful to me. Reflecting on my learning manifesto after a few months, I’m struck by how these guiding principles have shaped my journey and growth. 

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